Island of Art - Evans, Caroline

Welcome to Caroline Evans online gallery (20th - present)

Home / Art By Artist / Evans, Caroline

Caroline Evans

Caroline Evans is a former educationalist who, since retiring, has been able to focus on developing her interest in creativity. Always preferring to work out of doors, Caroline is fascinated by landscape, both internal and external. She seeks to find the unusual and be able to respond to it in an expansively dynamic way.

The place of the Romantic Sublime in the contemporary world is a recurring theme in her work. Since researching the origins of this movement in the 18th Century, she has investigated the genre by responding to the landscape of East Anglia and beyond. The resulting work challenges pre-conceptions of the countryside in an ongoing debate around the politics, history, culture and environmental issues of our time.

Caroline explores the locality through mark making, photographic imagery and the collecting of objects and detritus. These discoveries then interrelate with one another forming an ongoing dialogue, the outcomes of which are evident in the visual depictions created. Much of the making takes place back in her studio, and involves experimenting with paint and other mediums in an Abstract Expressionist style; scale, form, materiality is all central to her work. The process is risk taking and the outcomes of such a creative method include collage, paintings, mixed media, print making and much more.

Below is a selection of Caroline's work. If you wish to view more of Caroline's work you can visit her website where paintings can be purchased direct: